The ESG Strategy of Mangata Holding for 2024-2030 is an element of the implementation of the Group’s mission and vision, closely linked to the business strategy. The key point of contact between the ESG Strategy and our business strategy are investment projects planned for the coming years, which will support the further development of our Group, and at the same time allow us to reduce our impact on the climate and environment. The ESG Strategy is the Group’s response to the changing conditions of functioning of modern business, in which sustainable development plays a fundamental role in planning and reporting the activities of enterprises.

The basis for developing our ESG Strategy was the assessment of materiality carried out in accordance with the regulations introduced by the EU on non-financial reporting, taking into account, among others, the perspective of internal and external stakeholders. As part of the analysis, we identified ESG factors significant for the Group and took into account initiatives aimed at adapting the Group to the new requirements.

Mangata Holding has defined its primary goals within the three pillars of sustainable development:


When developing the ESG Strategy, Mangata Holding has defined its aspirations within the three pillars and developed strategic goals and initiatives, the implementation of which will ensure the effective implementation of the ESG Strategy. The scope of the actions taken is also consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and supports them.